Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hospital Update

I was admitted into the hospital about a week ago, because I needed to go in for testing on my brain waves. During the 2 day stay, I started to get Spiritually weak, because Satan was trying to attack me at my weakest point, that I was afraid that the Lord wouldn't heal me. So I started praying, and the Lord gave me enough strength for the 2 days! The Lord has helped me get through this small situation and I am better then ever. I know the Devil can attack you at your weakest points, but all you have to do is fight back with the Word of God that is implanted in you. Open up the bible, and start reading random verses. Trust me, this will work. Also, pray and fast too, because these are also extremely important things to do in your walk with God.

Here is a video to a link that you should look at and it will explain everything that happened and how the Lord is healing me!

Explanation of how God is healing me!


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