Wednesday, May 30, 2012

God over Business

I was thinking about what I should put into the blog that will inspire people and the Lord gave me a thought. 

I have a question for you. Do you put Jesus over your business? Well, you ask, "How do I put Jesus over my business?" Its a good thing that you asked because I am going to answer your question. So how do we do it? Well, the last month I decided to put Jesus over my Business in a way that I have never thought about before or because I was too scared to do it. I started witnessing to people. I started telling people about the Lord Jesus Christ and how He died for our sins. I didn't even care what people were thinking when I serviced their computer because I put it in the Lords hands. I even witnessed to them whenever I went to there houses.

I want people saved right at this very hour because we do not have that much time left. I do not care about achievements in this world nor do I even care about my computer business. We should care about the Spiritual Realm and care about souls. My mom told me that we should do so much for Jesus that people around us think that we are crazy. 

Anyways, the second thing we should incorporate into all of our businesses is that we should Tithe all business profits to the Lord! Tithe means 10% in the dictionary, but we should give more then just 10% to the Lord. We also should treat every customer like we should be treated. Think how would Jesus treat them? He would take off his shoes at the doorway, and treat the person with respect. He would also be very honest and loving to the customer. A lot of businesses don't do this  and thus they are struggling in this very economy. If we incorporate what the Bible says and put it into our businesses then our businesses will be booming while other businesses aren't.

God is blessing my business so much that I am always having customers and I have a Full Time job opportunity at another computer shop! God will bless your business if you put him first!

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