Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let God baptize you in Anguish!

Anguish! It is an inner deep pain about situations, or problems in you or around you. When you are in prayer about souls around you, whether they be your friends, families, coworkers, or complete strangers, then you start developing anguish inside your soul. Your heart starts hurting as you have a deep burden for souls. This has happened to me. I started asking the Lord to give me anguish, and to start baptizing my soul in anguish, and he has done it. I mean this is for real. My inner soul started hurting as I continued to weep before the Lord. It is the best thing I have experienced as of yet.

But, this I ask you. Start asking the Lord to baptize you in anguish. Start having a burden for souls around you, because the Lord is coming really soon. I do not know the hour nor the day, year, etc. but I do know that he is coming really soon. I implore you to start preparing for his coming at this very hour. We are in the End Times right now.

I want you to watch this video below me about David Wilkerson preaching about the Call to Anguish! You can either watch the short version or the long version of his message. They are both very powerful and will touch you all the same! God bless you!
Call to Anguish Short Version

Call to Anguish Message


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