Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Buying too soon?

Have you ever bought something too soon or just because you just wanted too and then you found out you ran out of cash or should have never bought it? Well, I have the answer for you!

Whenever you are about to buy something then ask yourself a question. Do you really need that item or not? For example, if you went to buy milk, I know that you wouldn't buy gallons on gallons. You would probably buy 1 or 2. But, what about pop? Do you really need a better computer too soon?

Psalm 37:7-9 (NLT)
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.

So, next time you have a lot of money, spend it wisely, because that is God's money you are dealing with!

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