Saturday, August 25, 2012

Resting in God again!

Well, it looks like I have finally gone through my trial. I had been going through a relapse of gaming addiction. Now, I am finally falling back into God's grace. After, the trial and I finally had taken my laptop over to my moms place and I am going to keep it there, then I received a phone call. Lifetime called me and they are going to give me a 7 day pass to the club. I mean that was the perfect timing, because I love swimming, and relaxing in the hot tub.

I also wanted to say that I am praying everyday again and I am reading my Bible once again. I even forced my self to church even though I didn't want to go and God met me there. He touched me beautifully. The Lord has also given me a lot more business and I really can't believe how much computer work he is giving me. All I can say is Thank You Lord!

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