Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Freedom from Fear

A few days ago I started a program that is called the "31 Days to Freedom from Fear." I started it because I started worrying a lot at night about different things about what I said to a person or how I should have done things a little different. I started worrying about past events a lot. I probably wasted an hour every night worrying about stuff. So I started this program because I believe that I can break free from fear that is keeping me in bondage. You can check out the program in the link below:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let God baptize you in Anguish!

Anguish! It is an inner deep pain about situations, or problems in you or around you. When you are in prayer about souls around you, whether they be your friends, families, coworkers, or complete strangers, then you start developing anguish inside your soul. Your heart starts hurting as you have a deep burden for souls. This has happened to me. I started asking the Lord to give me anguish, and to start baptizing my soul in anguish, and he has done it. I mean this is for real. My inner soul started hurting as I continued to weep before the Lord. It is the best thing I have experienced as of yet.

But, this I ask you. Start asking the Lord to baptize you in anguish. Start having a burden for souls around you, because the Lord is coming really soon. I do not know the hour nor the day, year, etc. but I do know that he is coming really soon. I implore you to start preparing for his coming at this very hour. We are in the End Times right now.

I want you to watch this video below me about David Wilkerson preaching about the Call to Anguish! You can either watch the short version or the long version of his message. They are both very powerful and will touch you all the same! God bless you!
Call to Anguish Short Version

Call to Anguish Message


Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Call to Anguish

This video stirred me up so much, that I fell on the floor weeping in tears! Please watch this video, because it will stir you up too! 

Sleep Debt

For around 20 years, I did not care about sleep. It was not a priority because I always had bigger priorities in my life. Whether the priorities are work, personal, or church goals, sleep was on the bottom of my list. Well, now that is about to change as this past week I have affected a lot of people in a negative way because of my sleep deprivation. All this to say is that sleep can affect you and even shorten your life if you don't use it wisely.

If you lose a lot of sleep each night, then its most likely that you won't be able to link up to your Spiritual Master during that day. Even if you prayed a lot, fasted, and even read your Bible, you will hardly even feel the Spirit in your life. It happened to me a few times where I tried to feel the Spirit of God in me but just could not feel anything in my heart. There are a lot of negative things you can get when you do not sleep, so I stress that sleep is very important if you want to effectively be used by God.

Here is a link to a guide on "How Much Sleep Do You Need?"

Friday, June 8, 2012

One God

Just a few days ago, I was doing Outreach in Chicago and a man pointed to the Bible. He pointed to Genesis 1:26 which says

Genesis 1:26

King James Version (KJV)
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

This week, I am going to start studying that one verse to see what Jesus was really saying. I want to get your opinion of what you think Genesis 1:26 really means.

I told the man about Isaiah 9:6 which says

Isaiah 9:6

Amplified Bible (AMP)
For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace.
A woman gave me this verse to me and said that she really believed about the Trinity until she started reading this verse. She started reading it over and over, because it stirred her whole heart up. This verse only talks about One God, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the the Prince of Peace! I feel like leaping for joy!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hospital Update

I was admitted into the hospital about a week ago, because I needed to go in for testing on my brain waves. During the 2 day stay, I started to get Spiritually weak, because Satan was trying to attack me at my weakest point, that I was afraid that the Lord wouldn't heal me. So I started praying, and the Lord gave me enough strength for the 2 days! The Lord has helped me get through this small situation and I am better then ever. I know the Devil can attack you at your weakest points, but all you have to do is fight back with the Word of God that is implanted in you. Open up the bible, and start reading random verses. Trust me, this will work. Also, pray and fast too, because these are also extremely important things to do in your walk with God.

Here is a video to a link that you should look at and it will explain everything that happened and how the Lord is healing me!

Explanation of how God is healing me!
