Saturday, November 22, 2014

Learning how much God loves me: Part 1 - Introduction

Song of Solomon 1:2New King James Version (NKJV)

The Banquet

The Shulamite[a]

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
For your[b] love is better than wine.

Whenever I pray every day and read spiritual stuff, the Lord teaches me things. Now, whenever I pray, I do pray for others, but I really don't feel a need to pray for them a lot. Then, one day I asked the Lord why I do this and why can't I cry during my prayers. The Lord showed me Todd White through my sister, which made me realize that he has a really deep love for the Lord and people that I really desire to have. 

This is why I am going to be really studying on how much the Lord loves me, so I can know how much the Lord loves others. I want to generate such a deep love for others and the Lord that people will affected by the Lord. I want to learn that it isn't about me but its about other people. If you have time, then please watch the video below.

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