Monday, October 13, 2014

Going to the streets

The Lord is a provider! He provides me with all of my needs every single day. A few months ago, I went to a Mission 25 event. ( The Lord impacted me so much during this event, that I wanted to go to another Mission 25 event. When I went to Detroit, I was blown away. 

Basically, one of the things that Mission 25ers do at these events is that we meet up with homeless people, and we get to know them. Then we take them out to eat, and explain salvation to them, while still getting to know them. After that we provide them with clothing, or whatever basic needs they have.  Both times that I took a homeless person out to eat, they were so impacted by the Lord that they wanted to get baptized, and be saved. So, now I asked the Lord if He wanted me to do this. He responded by giving me enough resources to start doing this evangelist method. I am so grateful for what he has done!

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