Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How To Pray All Day Long!

I just came upon a document that everyone who loves to pray should look at. This document is very Spiritual and teaches you how to pray all day or to pray for an hour. Have you ever wondered how people pray all day, or how people pray all night? Then this document is for you.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Not Works but by Faith

Over the weekend I went to St. Louis to a Pastors Appreciation thing that was happening over at a church. This church that I went to on Sunday treated me like I was going to preach at their church. I did not preach, but they treated me like how they would treat God if he came to their church. One of them told me that he is so blessed for taking me to the Bus station and dropping me off although it would be a 60 mile round trip for him. I asked him why he is so blessed to take me to the station because it would eat his car up. He told me before that he never had a car and his friends would always take him to work for free.That is just amazing to know about another church that has all the Brothers and Sisters taking great care of you as a Brother in Christ. It just made me think about my own church.

Anyways, I wanted to talk about a very important lesson that the Lord has taught me. He has taught me to not do things out of Works but by having faith. There is a clear difference in doing things out of Works for the Lord. The first reason is that you are doing Works to try to get people to like you. Stop getting people to like you. If you were doing stuff for God out of Faith then you would have the right kind of people liking you and more doors would be open to you.

The second reason is that you do them after the Flesh. You just want to do them so you can accelerate the process of being used faster for the Lord. Wrong! This will never work and your just wasting your time. God will put a roadblock up so you will never get to where you are going. God wants to use you but first you must be led by Jesus in order to be used.

I want all of you to be used by God, but I cannot force any of you to do anything. But I am warning you about these two methods that you should not use. Thank you so much and God Bless!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Plan a budget!

Its been 6 months since the Lord has deeply my business, but I had one problem that had me worried a lot every week of every month. I was worried about finances even though my finances was enough for me every month. It took a toll on me and I made an attempt to destroy my fear by going through a bible study called "31 days to Freedom from Fear." It only helped me destroy my fear of anxiety but it didn't destroy my fear from finances. God would even bless me with more money then I should have every month but I still had that fear that I was using up too much money or that I was going to run out of money quickly.

Not Anymore!

Ever since I had placed a budget on my finances, my fear of finances has gone out of my life. The Lord has removed this fear and I want to praise him because of it. I suggest you do the same so you can have peace of mind every single month, and that you are very confident that you will never run out of money as long as the Lord is blessing you each month. The Lord bless you as you get financially free from the bondage of fear of finances.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am active again!

I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for being inactive in my blog. I just had a family reunion for the last week or so and was inactive. Now I am going to start up again in my blog and am going to have several blog updates this week about some cool stuff about what the Lord is doing in my life. Stay tuned! Thanks for understanding!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spiritual Malnutrition

A normal human being eats about 3 meals a day, and sometimes eats a snack or two on the side in order for their body to survive that day. They also have to drink between 9 to 12 cups of water every day in order for their bodies to maintain healthy every day. Well, what about our spiritual bodies? How do these two facts link to our spiritual bodies? Well, our spiritual bodies need basically the same amounts of energies to cleanse our spiritual bodies of all the wickedness and sin that is in our world. It also re-energizes our spiritual bodies so that we can grow in God and have a better link between us and the Lord. We start feeling the Lord in supernatural ways as like we are some kind of super hero.

We need to pray as much as we eat food daily, and I don't mean a simple prayer. I mean a prayer as much as 15 minutes in the day. We need Jesus more than the worldly things of this Earth, because whatever we store up in Heaven will be there forever. We also must read the Bible daily or we might become what they say, spiritual malnourished. Too many Christians go to church every Sunday, and Wednesday, and they don't even have a prayer life. Oh, I pray that whoever goes to church would have an effective prayer life, because we need revival. We need to build a spiritual stronghold around our lives and around our family lives. If you haven't watched the movie below about the "Call to Anguish" then you need to watch it. May God Bless you!