Saturday, July 12, 2014

Learning to become Selfless!

It all started in January. I started rebelling against the Lord! I wanted things my way. I wanted to eat good food. I wanted to do whatever I want. I gave into my Gaming addiction again where I play computer games for hours on end. Then, it all started crashing down on me. I was sad, and I saw less and less of others and my family.

Then in late June, I decided to just give up and hand my life to the Lord again. I found out that when you fast then addictions start to break. When you seek the Lord then everything around you starts to become nothing because you love the Lord so much. Everything except human beings. But, I was still full of myself.

What can make a person be full of them-self? It is when they stop caring about other people around them and do things their way. You know, I have this bad habit of being late to things. I would be late to church, hanging out with my friends, and even late to my families house. But, I decided that enough is enough! I want to stop this being late habit. I always hate it when I late. It just brings stress up, and also makes me sad. So, I decided to work on a habit of not being late. It is because I need to care about people more, and to become more selfless.

I also want to start thinking about ways to help other people. This reminds me of some very good friends of mine that are in Arkansas. This family that I met are like totally selfless. They really care about other people so much that it either makes you feel bad that you aren't being selfless enough, or it will motivate you to become selfless.

This is why I attended Mission 25! I attended it to learn how to become selfless like Jesus did. I want to just go to the street, find someone, and give to him so much that he is willing to be filled with the Holy Ghost. This is my desire and I want to do the Lord's will!

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