Wednesday, May 30, 2012

God over Business

I was thinking about what I should put into the blog that will inspire people and the Lord gave me a thought. 

I have a question for you. Do you put Jesus over your business? Well, you ask, "How do I put Jesus over my business?" Its a good thing that you asked because I am going to answer your question. So how do we do it? Well, the last month I decided to put Jesus over my Business in a way that I have never thought about before or because I was too scared to do it. I started witnessing to people. I started telling people about the Lord Jesus Christ and how He died for our sins. I didn't even care what people were thinking when I serviced their computer because I put it in the Lords hands. I even witnessed to them whenever I went to there houses.

I want people saved right at this very hour because we do not have that much time left. I do not care about achievements in this world nor do I even care about my computer business. We should care about the Spiritual Realm and care about souls. My mom told me that we should do so much for Jesus that people around us think that we are crazy. 

Anyways, the second thing we should incorporate into all of our businesses is that we should Tithe all business profits to the Lord! Tithe means 10% in the dictionary, but we should give more then just 10% to the Lord. We also should treat every customer like we should be treated. Think how would Jesus treat them? He would take off his shoes at the doorway, and treat the person with respect. He would also be very honest and loving to the customer. A lot of businesses don't do this  and thus they are struggling in this very economy. If we incorporate what the Bible says and put it into our businesses then our businesses will be booming while other businesses aren't.

God is blessing my business so much that I am always having customers and I have a Full Time job opportunity at another computer shop! God will bless your business if you put him first!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Discovering @#!*% 's Best Secret

I received The Way of the Master by Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort. This is the best witnessing lessons that I have heard from thus far. I wanted to tell you the second lesson out of the Basic Training series. It is called Discovering @#!*% 's Best Secret. Did you know that 80 to 90% of people who make a decision for the Lord in Modern Day Evangelism will become Backsliders? It just doesn't work. There is only one type of Evangelism that will totally work, and that is called Biblical Bible Evangelism! It's the way Jesus evangelized, and it is the number one way to get people saved. For example, if there was a huge and exciting crusade and 300,000 people got saved, then only 15,000 people would continually walk with Jesus! That is sad because people are really only getting saved with knowing that Jesus is a Gushy God, who will always bless you and give you tons of money if you tithe. This is not right! Now in the Biblical Way of Evangelism, in the same crusade, if 300,000 people got saved then the backsliding rate would be moderate to extremely low. I would say between 150,000 to 275,000 would continually follow God if we did it the Biblical Way!

So what is the Biblical Way? Well, lets go to Mark 10:17 where a very rich person came up to Jesus.

Mark 10:17-22

Amplified Bible (AMP)
17 And as He was setting out on His journey, a man ran up and knelt before Him and asked Him, Teacher, [You are [a]essentially and perfectly [b]morally] good, what must I do to inherit eternal life [that is, [c]to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]?
18 And Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me [[d]essentially and perfectly [e]morally] good? There is no one [[f]essentially and perfectly [g]morally] good—except God alone.
19 You know the commandments: Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.
20 And he replied to Him, Teacher, I have carefully guarded and observed all these andtaken care not to violate them from my boyhood.
21 And Jesus, looking upon him, loved him, and He said to him, You lack one thing; go and sell all you have and give [the money] to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come [and] accompany Me [[h]walking the same road that I walk].
22 At that saying the man’s countenance fell and was gloomy, and he went away grievedand sorrowing, for he was holding great possessions.

So, Jesus corrected the man then gave him the first five commandments. He then told him to go sell all he had, give it to the poor, and follow Him. He used a principle! The principle is telling people the disease before the cure. Its like a doctor telling you that you need Aspirin and he never tells you the disease. Now, we would think that the doctor is nuts and shouldn't be a doctor in the first place! The doctor first needs to say that your pain will go away when you take the Aspirin! Now, you would be grabbing the Aspirin with all gladness. It says in Romans 3:19-20, Romans 7:7, and Galatians 3:24 that the Law shows we are dirty and need a Saviour! We need to know that we are Sinners before we need to know how to go to Heaven!

Here is a link to an example of how to do it the right way:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meditation + Worship = New Levels

Wow, am I so shocked as to what happened to me last night during the service that happened at Calvary UPC! It all happened when we were all worshiping Jesus when Gateway Bible College was singing on stage. When I was just normally singing and worshiping the Lord, then all of a sudden I started meditating on the song for no reason. I was meditating and worshiping all at once which was totally new to me. Then all of a sudden Gods presence hit me in new ways that I have never felt before. The Lord had taught me something new and now I just wanted to encourage all of you to do the same thing. Just start meditating on the words while your worshiping the Lord! I will guarantee that the Lord will touch you in new ways too. Whenever I am at home and I start worshiping the Lord to a song and start meditating then the Lord does it over and over again. The Lord is so awesome, and I will worship him upon hours and hours each day!

Kudos and Thanks to Adam Finley to inviting me and to Pastor Labat and his family for everything!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Start moaning and groaning

Today, I was at church and Bishop Horace Smith preached on the verses from 2 Corinthians 5:1 - 5.

2 Corinthians 5:1-5

Amplified Bible (AMP)
For we know that if the tent which is our earthly home is destroyed (dissolved), we have from God a building, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Here indeed, in this [present abode, body], we sigh and groan inwardly, because we yearn to be clothed over [we yearn to put on our celestial body like a garment, to be fitted out] with our heavenly dwelling,
So that by putting it on we may not be found naked (without a body).
For while we are still in this tent, we groan under the burden and sigh deeply (weighed down, depressed, oppressed)—not that we want to put off the body (the clothing of the spirit), but rather that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal (our dying body) may be swallowed up by life [[a]after the resurrection].
Now He Who has fashioned us [preparing and making us fit] for this very thing is God, Who also has given us the [Holy] Spirit as a guarantee [of the fulfillment of His promise].

This means that if there was a picture then somebody must have drawn the picture, and if there was a house then somebody must have built the house. So if there was a human being like you and me then there must have been a Creator which is the Lord Jesus Christ. 
And, when we want something really bad then we moan and groan for it so much that we cry, "Abba, Father," which is in Romans 8:14-17. When we cry Abba then he has to respond to us because He loves us so much! Well, this was only a small excerpt from the preaching today, so I hope this really encourages you to pray to God and call him, "Abba."

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Blog has just been launched!

This is the first post in the blog, and I am very excited for whats ahead! I have just launched a website last Monday which is called This site and blog is only going to glorify the Lord. Thank you so much and be expecting the next blog in the next couple days. Thank you and God Bless!