Monday, October 29, 2012


This topic is a very important subject to cover, because it will help you reach places that you never reached before. Well, why is this the most important subject and why should I fast. Am I going to get anything out of this? I tell you that you are going to get more then what you asked for.

When you fast for a particular thing or you fast to grow in the Lord, then strongholds start falling down all around you. Strongholds like fear, rebellion, shame, and guilt. Family, work, friends, and Spiritual issues start falling down to the ground, because when you fast then you are humbling yourself before the Lord. You are saying spiritually, "Ok, Lord, you are in control!" The Lord wantrs you to fast.

When I started fasting a while ago, then I all of a sudden I get this feeling that I want to serve the Lord more. Also, an issue that was out of my control just disappeared and the Lord blessed me so much! It also humbled me too.

Isaiah 58:6

New King James Version (NKJV)

6 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke?

So, the Lord even says it in the Bible too. I have found so much scripture in the Bible that it is unbelievable. But, I would like to challenge you to fast for a specific reason and see if the Lord changes a situation in your life. The Lord is all powerful and he has unlimited power so I know that he will change your life for the better. I love you all and God bless!

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