Friday, December 12, 2014

Passive to Active Listening

Mostly all my life I used to passively listen to people which meant that when people talked, I would listen to them but wouldn't give verbal feedback back. This created several problems. I wouldn't hear everything that the person say, or the person talking would end the conversation early, because they would think that I wasn't listening to everything they were saying, This resulted in a lot of light relationship statuses where people knew about you, or I knew only their names and a little about them through other conversations. This made me feel empty socially. I wanted to get to know more about people.

Therefore, I prayed and asked the Lord about this, and the Lord showed me through my sister that I needed to actively listen to people. I then went on YouTube and found some videos on actively listening to people. I then used that skill at college, and I found out a whole lot more about people then I normally would. Also, the conversations seemed to go a lot longer then normal. I felt great and I give the Lord the glory for helping me learn this crucial skill in getting to know people. Also, I can remember peoples names better through active listening! Here is a video below that I found effective on this topic.