Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quitting Facebook and Mobile Internet

Within the last month, the Lord has shown me that there is way too much noise in my life. This is a reason why I am not being used by the Lord effectively. He has shown me through several people that Facebook and the Internet was creating too much noise in my life. But what is noise? The Hebrew definition for noise is: rua: to raise a shout, give a blast. It seems that as I go throughout my day, a lot of things that I do are useless to Heaven. This means that if I am just playing computer games then what is the Lord going to get out of computer games. Nothing! This is why I need to get noise out of my life so I can be more effectively used by the Lord.

This is why I am going to give up Facebook. Someone told me that I should keep Facebook in case I really need it to do something which I am giving much thought to. I also gave up internet on my cellphone. There is no point of having internet on my cell phone except to waste my time. If I needed to use it for business, I can just find a Wifi hotspot. I encourage you to think about what kind of spiritual noise is in your life and if you don't know then pray about it.

Here is a link to a good article I found on this topic: