Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sleep Debt

For around 20 years, I did not care about sleep. It was not a priority because I always had bigger priorities in my life. Whether the priorities are work, personal, or church goals, sleep was on the bottom of my list. Well, now that is about to change as this past week I have affected a lot of people in a negative way because of my sleep deprivation. All this to say is that sleep can affect you and even shorten your life if you don't use it wisely.

If you lose a lot of sleep each night, then its most likely that you won't be able to link up to your Spiritual Master during that day. Even if you prayed a lot, fasted, and even read your Bible, you will hardly even feel the Spirit in your life. It happened to me a few times where I tried to feel the Spirit of God in me but just could not feel anything in my heart. There are a lot of negative things you can get when you do not sleep, so I stress that sleep is very important if you want to effectively be used by God.

Here is a link to a guide on "How Much Sleep Do You Need?"

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